Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 2010 Monthly Meeting

""I skate to where the puck is GOING to be, not where it has been." - Wayne Gretzky

What do Wayne Gretzky, technology and guerrilla marketing have in common? They were all part of the extremely informative presentation by Michael Stebel, the Chief Operating Officer of QQ Solutions, Inc.; an industry leader in insurance agency information technology.

Michael provided a comprehensive strategy to use of the strengths of the independent agent to compete against the almost one billion dollars in advertising spent by the direct writers.

He showed us that by taking advantage of affordable technologies, such as online live comparative quoting portals, and using innovative marketing techniques, such as search engine optimization and viral marketing, the independent agent can use their specialized knowledge of their local markets and demographics to level the playing field.

This presentation was so full of essential information, that this short blog post could barley do it justice. The Board of Directors of the LAAIA urges you to attend one of our monthly dinner meetings and take advantage of our networking hour to meet representatives from QQ Solutions and all of our Program Partners. Bring your questions and concerns. The one constant in our industry is change and together with some imagination and hard work we can push the independent agency system that our customers depend on into the future.